Simon Flowerdew, 60, of no fixed abode admitted breaching an earlier domestic violence protection order on June 13 this year.
The order granted in May by Truro magistrates stated that he must not molest the associated person and in particular use or threaten violence against them and must not instruct or encourage or in any way suggest that any other person should do so.
Also intimidate, harass or pester the subject of the order and must not encourage or in any way suggest that any other person should do so.
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Nor have any direct or indirect contact, meeting or any communication in person or via any other person including text message, calls, social media with the named person or encourage any other person to do so on his behalf unless through a solicitor.
He was also banned from entering Hendra Barton unless accompanied by a police officer or solicitor, which he did within 12 days of the order being made.
Magistrates said they were committing Flowerdew to prison for 14 days because the offence so serious and, in the view of the bench, the defendant was treating the court order with utter contempt, breached within 11 days, sought to evade detection and smirking and laughing in the courtroom was further evidence of the contempt the defendant had for the order.